• postcards-still-life
    Some Silliness

    That which delighted me in 2017

    Let’s be real, my dears, 2017 often felt not unlike an epic journey such that Odysseus, with his sirens, six-headed monsters and homicidal cyclops, would not have been entirely out of place. Can I get an amen? With that said, however, if you were keen to do so, I daresay there were any number of delightful things, big and small, that we also encountered. I think it is never a wasted exercise to reflect upon and share such joys, and in that spirit, I decided to tally up 24 such items that thus beguiled me. I briefly considered making it a full 2,017 items, in homage to the year itself,…

  • new years eve 2018
    Home Life,  Married Life

    Happy New Year: 2018

    We sat on the couch, watching Netflix, bundled under thick blankets my sister knit us, sharing red wine and eating Hershey’s chocolate kisses. The clock ticked at its reliable rate toward midnight. I had a slight head cold. Before long — tick tick tick — we turned on the cable and watched as the glowing, sparkly orb in New York City dropped to mark a new year: 2018. We toasted with sparkling apple cider — the purchasing of proper champagne having escaped our to-do list — and shortly thereafter, we turned in to bed. Wishing you all a joyful, peaceful and inspirational new year. May 2018 be a grand adventure.  …

  • Christmas Tree 2017
    Colorful Colorado

    When looking for a Christmas Tree

    When looking for a Christmas tree in the mountains of Colorado, you may just get distracted by all the other natural wonders around you that periodically you forget to look for the holiday wonder in question. “Nature” is what we see— The Hill—the Afternoon— Squirrel—Eclipse— the Bumble bee— Nay—Nature is Heaven— Nature is what we hear— The Bobolink—the Sea— Thunder—the Cricket— Nay—Nature is Harmony— Nature is what we know— Yet have no art to say— So impotent Our Wisdom is To her Simplicity.” -Emily Dickinson We’ll talk about the Christmas tree another time.   SIGNED, anya elise

  • thanksgiving table
    pocket postcards

    pocket postcards vol. 3

    Dear Thanksgiving 2017: Thank you for being a day of warmth and sun and bright skies. You made it possible for the local Turkey Trot to commence unimpeded. (I people-watched from the sidelines with coffee and a cinnamon roll in hand; it was lovely.) To the doggo dressed like a turkey at the aforementioned Trot: You were a delight, never change. To my tiny kitchen: You proved the perfect studio for painting the canvas that was our feast, despite your rather diminutive size. This was my first time hosting Thanksgiving, and it was a smashing success (if I may say so myself). To our nearby grocery store: Even though I…

  • virginia greenhouse

    Living in a greenhouse

    If I were to live in a greenhouse, I would have fresh flowers in my home every day. Guests would enter through my weathered — but still entirely proper — yellow-painted front door, and be greeted by such an abundance of greenery that they would be happily taken aback. I would offer them honey-sweetened dandelion tea, and show off my still-developing coffee plant, explaining it would be at least five years before there were any beans of which to speak. We would agree that coffee is almost always preferable, but that the dandelion tea was still quite nice.